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Historical Research : Archaeology Archaeology : Archaeology is a discipline of knowledge which studies all physical evidence of extinct ...

Historical Research : Archaeology Historical Research : Archaeology

Historical Research : Archaeology

Historical Research : Archaeology

Historical Research : Archaeology

Archaeology : Archaeology is a discipline of knowledge which studies all physical evidence of extinct human culture and evaluates its history - S.J.D. Layet

Archaeology : Meaning and Explanation

Archaeology is discipline which studies material signs of the past. It excavates and studies buried cultures of bygone times. The word  'Archaeology' is derived from the Greek word Archaios and logos. 'Archaios' means ancient whereas 'logos' means knowledge. Therefore, Archaeology tell us about the origin and evolution of human beings. It examines different stages of human development as well as human life in culture and civilisation. It studies all physical remnants of ancient cultures.

My friend asked me what is relation between history and archaeology?
-The root of history is in Archaeology studies. Archaeology discovers necessary sources for the understanding of ancient culture. The main aim of Archaeology is to reconstruct history of human journey, starting from evolution to stage of civilisation.

Aims of Archaeology

A) History of human evolution
Many years ago human being was created. We study the history of human cultural evolution with help of Archaeology and other auxiliary sciences. These science throw light on many aspects of our technological evolution.

B) Study of human culture
Studying old civilisations is the main aim of Archaeology. It explains history of human civilisation from Stone Age to the present times on the basis of physical remains.

C) Study of antique arts
We come to know about Antique Arts with help of archaeological sources. We come to know about ancient wisdom of human civilisations. e.g. Harappa's city planning tells us about ancient architectural skill. at the same time provides guidelines to modern architects.

D) Conservation and preservation of archaeology antiquities
In 1856 Lord Dalhousie started the Department of Archaeology in India. The main aim of this department was to conserve and preserve ancient antiquities and monuments. Since that time, antiquities' care and conversation has begun.

E) Tracing technological development
Archaeology throws light on the development in technology in human life the past. e.g. use tools of different materials, controlling fire, development in metallurgy, Agriculture and other developments. Only Archaeology can tell us about different stages of technology.

Methods of Archaeology

1. Survey - Aerial and Geomagnetic Survey.
2. Excavation.
3. Analysis.
4. Virtual Archaeology.
5. Extension.

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